Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

- "DCC" refers to DE-CHAMPIONS COLLEGE, a private school.
- "Student" refers to any individual enrolled at DCC.
- "Parent" refers to the legal guardian or parent of a student.
- "Staff" refers to employees of DCC.

1. Acceptance

- By enrolling a student at DCC, parents acknowledge acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- Students and staff are also bound by these terms and conditions.

1. Fees and Payments

- Parents are responsible for paying all fees and charges associated with their child's enrollment.
- Fees are due on or before the specified payment dates.
- Late payments may incur penalties.

1. Student Conduct

- Students are expected to behave in a respectful and responsible manner.
- DCC reserves the right to discipline or expel students for misconduct.

1. Academic Performance

- Students are expected to meet minimum academic standards.
- DCC reserves the right to place students on academic probation or withdraw them if standards are not met.

1. Attendance and Absences

- Regular attendance is expected.
- Parents must notify DCC of absences in advance.

1. Confidentiality

- DCC will maintain confidentiality of student and parent personal information.

1. Liability

- DCC shall not be liable for any damages or losses except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

1. Governing Law

- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of D-CHAMPIONS COLLEGE (DCC).

1. Changes to Terms and Conditions

- DCC reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at any time.
- Changes will be communicated to parents and students through official channels.

By enrolling a student at DCC, parents acknowledge that they have read, understood, and accepted these terms and conditions.